Take action in your community to eliminate Bag Monsters! It takes more than reusable bags to put an end to Bag Monsters; it takes education, dedication and a commitment to the planet. Take action with the following resources and PLEDGE to eliminate Bag Monsters!
Learn the Facts - Did you know that each year in the United States citizens consume upwards of 30 billion plastic and 10 billion paper grocery bags, requiring 14 million trees and 12 million barrels of oil. Learn more...
Wage a campaign in your town or city to end the use of single-use bags by encouraging legislators to implement a grocery bag fee. Contact for more information.
Talk to local community and environmental groups about eh bag issue and find out of they want to get involved.
Create a petition asking for your city to take on the single-use bag problem and create a healthy reusable bag habit. Circulate it at schools, universities, the library, grocery stores, farmer's markets, and anywhere else you can connect with your neighbors.
Encourage local retailers to start a smart bagging policy with these tips:
- Offer a bag refund to customers who bring their own reusable bags
- Create a reusable bag drop-off for others to use
- Create an in-store bag recycling program
- Sell reusable bags in their store
Pay It Forward: Bring an extra reusable bag to the grocery store the next time you shop and give it away to a stranger who doesn't have them. Ask them to "pay it forward" and give a reusable bag away the next time they shop.
Use our resources to write a letter to the newspaper explaining the environmental problems with paper and plastic bags.
Stage a Bag Monster sighting in your community. Contact to set it up!
Set a good example by just saying NO to single-use bags when you're at the store. Others in line will follow suit!